How often do you change your desktop wallpaper? If you do it frequently, it must be tedious for you to change the wallpaper manually from the Display Properties. That’s why most people rather choose to face the same old wallpaper on their desktop everyday than to change their wallpaper. How would you like if the new wallpaper will automatically loads every time you start Windows?
Get Fresh Wallpaper Every Time You Start Windows
Wallchanger is the thing that you need. Wallchanger is a freeware Windows application that automatically loads and rotates your wallpaper every time you start Windows, so on every boot you will see a fresh wallpaper!
After the installation, you need to specify the directory where you store your wallpapers. WallChanger will then rotate the wallpapers on that directory. So when you boot up Windows, there is a new wallpaper for you to see. When WallChanger reaches the last wallpaper, it will load the first wallpaper again. Simple as that.
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