You just don’t have idea on how many products that our big brother, Google has under it’s belt, to date. Among the most popular products are Google Search (of course!), Maps, Earth, Adsense, Gmail, Docs, Blogger and Webmaster, just to name a few.
And to keep yourself updated with the latest products release or features from Google is another thing. Under the official Google Blog Network, you can find more than 100 blogs covering all kinds of Google products, policy issues, technical projects and much more.
To make our life easier, Google has rolled out a new product, called the Google New, that serves as an one-stop website for people to find the latest product and feature launches from Google.
In Google New, you can find the latest products and features that were announced in the last few hours, days, weeks and months.
If you want to learn about new updates of the products that you prefer, you can filter the products by product name or by your area of interest.
Head over to Google New to find out all the new products and features from Google.