For many Vista users, Vista Sidebar is nothing but a useless tool with bunch of worthless gadgets. Well, not all gadgets are useless (although most of them are), if you look deepen into the the Live Gallery, you may actually find a few gadgets that can be useful to you. Vista Sidebar may take up some space on your desktop, so that’s why you must make sure of it. Here is a list of 4 Windows Vista Sidebar’s Gadgets that can help you get thing done much faster on your computer. Trust me, you will not feel like wasting space with these great Vista Sidebar gadgets.
The Magic Folder
If your desktop is overload with all sorts of files all over the place, then The Magic Folder will be helpful. The Magic Folder can reduces clutter on your Windows Vista desktop by helping you categorize and move files from your desktop to the proper locations on your Windows. It’s simple, you just need to drag files to the gadget and the files will be automatically sort into their proper folders, based on the file extension. For example, document files (like doc, xls, ppt, etc) will be placed in the Document folder. However, you can also add/remove file extensions recognized by the gadget and change where these files go. Plus, you can configure to add your own folder locations. (Learn more here)
Clipboard Manager
A new dimension to the Windows Clipboard. Clipboard Manager manages your clipboard from the sidebar with a lot of additional features where you couldn’t find it in Windows Clipboard. Clipboard Manager can stored up 999 clipboard contents in its history. You can simply reuse previous clipboard contents, build a customized collection of your often pasted contents and easily timestamp your documents or remarks. Not only text, Clipboard Manager also supports images. Images also can be saved to history or marked as favorite clips.
Download Clipboard Manager Now
App Launcher
Quickly launch your frequently and favorite applications from the sidebar with App Launcher. It is a much better application that Windows Quick Launch. You can drag and drop programs, files, folders and drives to the launcher or add them manually. You can also add Internet Explorer and/or Firefox favorites.
Vista Commands
Vista Commands put a score of useful Vista basic commands and functions at the Vista sidebar, allowing you to quickly access the commands and functions with just a single click. Vista Commands supports commands and functions including: msconfig, Snap shoot, Disk Manager, Device Manager, Services, Admin Tool, Printers, network, Software, Windows optional Functions. Definitely a time-saving tool.