If you currently don’t have any cool wallpaper for your desktop, how about putting an image of Earth as your desktop wallpaper? Well, this one is not an ordinary wallpaper as the image of Earth is frequently updated and is accurately represented with day and night views. Believe me, they are simply stunning! 🙂
Desktop Earth is a free Windows application that generates the image of Earth as your desktop wallpaper. The application runs whenever you’re logged on and continuously updates your wallpaper with a high resolution and accurate representation of the Earth as it would be seen from space at that precise moment. The imagery is based on NASA’s Blue Marble Next and Earth’s City Lights.
Day and night is accurately represented depending on the Sun’s overhead position (which depends on both the time of day and the day of the year) and both the snow cover and the foliage changes with the seasons.
In the configuration dialog window, you can adjust on what the wallpaper is centered on, the thickness of the cloud cover, add black bars or crop image, select the day and night image that you prefer and also choose the interval to update the wallpaper. In addition, you also can select between wallpaper styles under the display options.
Desktop Earth is free for download and is designed to work with Windows 7, Vista and XP.
Download Desktop Earth to keep an eye on planet Earth from your desktop.